[CentOS] Old HP Xeon server blade with only SCSI HDD ports & CentOS

Fri Apr 11 14:51:02 UTC 2014
Rainer Duffner <rainer at ultra-secure.de>

Am Fri, 11 Apr 2014 11:40:30 -0300
schrieb Fernando Cassia <fcassia at gmail.com>:

> On Fri, Apr 11, 2014 at 11:28 AM, <m.roth at 5-cent.us> wrote:
> > Again, you could hit eBay for a power supply. But all the servers,
> > including blades, that I ever worked with were 120v or 220V (ok,
> > this is the US). Is the psu in the box dead?
> >
> There's no PSU in the box. I've got the enclosure as well! It's one
> of these
> http://www.harddrivesdirect.com/product_info.php?products_id=142183
> In the back all the blades are connected to an interconnect power
> regulator board that goes to two large round prongs the kind used in
> 20 AMP 220/240 V AC plugs. But right now I'm 99% sure right now that
> this works with 48VDC. The blades have tiny power regulator boards
> next to the (proprietary?) blade power connector...  and on the
> internal side of such connector the markings say "48V" for the white
> wire and "0V" for the black wire.

What about networking?

They either have "shared" networking (AFAIK) or there needs to be a
module the lets you connect the blades to a switch...

If you have no budget, blades are the worst to work with ;-)