[CentOS] strange behavior with cron

Tue Apr 22 23:40:26 UTC 2014
Michel Donais <donais at telupton.com>

Do somebody had this situation where an Email is sent every minutes to a 
specific user named michel.
These emails are
incoming from:                Root
with an header like:          Cron <michel at donais> ~/.h5siP >/dev/null 
and a text message as:     /bin/sh: no: command not found

There is a cron task named h5siP  in the path of this user; he is the only 
one affected by this situation.
I found that this script have a relation with an other one named as R5Agz

If I remove the cron job h5siP from the cron listing and I restart cron the 
script is back a few minutes later.
.h5siP-p and .R5Agz-p  are located in dev/shm/   and both contain a process 
number as 23374   and 35678
.R5Agz and .h5siP can be found in a user named michel repertory wich the one 
who receive a lot of emails
.h5siP is also located in /temp

The only changes we made to our system was yesterday. We made an automatic 
yum updte of three programs ; java 1.6. kpartx and device-mapper-multipath.
I don't know if there is a relation or do I face a kind of virus?

I hope somebody can help


Michel Donais