[CentOS] Disappearing Network Manager config scripts

Wed Apr 30 18:02:43 UTC 2014
Steve Clark <sclark at netwolves.com>

On 04/30/2014 01:01 PM, Les Mikesell wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 11:54 AM, Steve Clark <sclark at netwolves.com> wrote:
>> What I meant about Windows is everything seems to be hidden behind some gui interface, which
>> leads people to not really understand the underpinnings of what is truly happening. NM seems akin
>> to this, at least the last time I tried to use several years ago.
>> I work in a development environment where we are constantly adding and removing systems and connections
>> and for me it just gets in the way. I can quickly type ip a a ..., ip r a ... and be done with it.
> You do know that windows servers have a fairly complete set of command
> line options, don't you?
Well the one and only time I configured an interface on windows from the command line I couldn't believe I had to type
some great big string to identify the interface, of course I had looked up how to do it on the internet so there may
have been a shorter way to do it.

I guess coming from a history of starting out on an IBM 1130 and proceeding thru Burroughs, NCR and Data General OSes and hardware
I just got used to understanding at a very low level and doing things without the help of some fancy GUI.

Stephen Clark
*NetWolves Managed Services, LLC.*
Director of Technology
Phone: 813-579-3200
Fax: 813-882-0209
Email: steve.clark at netwolves.com