[CentOS] cachefs

Thu Apr 3 09:14:31 UTC 2014
Leon Fauster <leonfauster at googlemail.com>

Am 03.04.2014 um 04:15 schrieb Grant Street <grants at al.com.au>:

> On 03/04/14 12:34, Rita wrote:
>> How come I don't see any changes in the Centos 6.{3,4,5} release which
>> mention updates to cachefs?
> I don't know why they weren't in the release notes....maybe because it's 
> a preview release? They were issues in the Kernel. If you have a look at 
> the output of
> rpm -q kernel -changelog|less
> you can see a whole swag of changes in 2.6.32-405.el6

i can confirm this - RHEL 6.5 is the way to go 

