[CentOS] How to save a Gnome screen layout on CentOS 6.5 after logging off?

Tue Apr 8 15:32:19 UTC 2014
Gilbert Sebenste <sebenste at weather.admin.niu.edu>

Hello everyone,

A quick Gnome question that has vexed me.

In CentOS 5.10, if I have, say, an X terminal window up on my screen, 
the next time I log in, it's there when I log in as an unprivileged user.
That's because I can save the layout the way I want to; there's a checkbox
for it to save the layout upon exiting.

I see none for CentOS 6.5. So, my X-terminal isn't there when I log
in each time.

Clue me in, oh people wiser than I...


Gilbert Sebenste                                                    ********
(My opinions only!)                                                  ******