[CentOS] chromium-34.0.1847.132-1.el6

Sat Apr 26 14:53:56 UTC 2014
Richer, Mark (CIV) <mhricher at nps.edu>

Yes you are right that one might as well install Chrome and I was going to post a link today, but last night I was posting from a phone.

I found Lloyd’s script on this page:  http://www.tecmint.com/install-google-chrome-on-redhat-centos-fedora-linux/

I had first gone down the road of trying to install a new flash plug in on Firefox and then Chromium until I found that page. Happily for me, Chrome with the Flash plugin indeed works with VMware vSphere web client (the terminology is confusing but their web client runs on the server and communicates with your browser client). I wanted to make sure that it is common knowledge that it’s painful or impossible at this time to do it with Chromium instead.


NPS-NCR Digital Forensics Lab IT Manager
Computer Science Department
Naval Postgraduate School - National Capital Region (NCR)
900 N Glebe Rd, Rm 5-182, Arlington, VA 22203
571.858.3254 (o) 571.303.9498 (m) mhricher at nps.edu<mailto:mhricher at nps.edu>

On Apr 26, 2014, at 10:11 AM, Darr247 <darr247 at gmail.com<mailto:darr247 at gmail.com>> wrote:

On 26 April 2014, @10:39 zulu, ngeorgop wrote:
It may be possible. But it needs a lot of search

Hmmm... then I fail to see how that's better than Richard Lloyd's script
to install Chrome in CentOS 6.x...
i.e. http://chrome.richardlloyd.org.uk/

At least that script segregates the libstdc++ and libgtk/libgdk files
into /opt/google/chrome/lib so only Chrome uses them.
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