[CentOS] Centos 7 - iptables service failed to start

Sun Aug 10 11:12:20 UTC 2014
Dennis Jacobfeuerborn <dennisml at conversis.de>

On 10.08.2014 05:30, Neil Aggarwal wrote:
> Hey everyone:
>> The process /usr/local/bin/firewall.start could not be executed 
>> and failed.
> I just realized I forgot to put #!/bin/sh at the top of my firewall
> scripts.  I added that and it is working perfectly fine now.
> Sorry for any trouble.

You might want to look into using the regular iptables service instead
od custom firewall scripts. The service uses iptables-save and
iptables-restore which are designed to install all iptables rules
If you end up with a typo in your script you end up with a partially
initialized firewall but iptables-restore first parses the entire rule
set and doesn't touch the current rules at all if it finds an error
making the process much more robust.
