[CentOS] yum-cron email notification doesn't appear

Mon Aug 11 11:30:20 UTC 2014
1th at setevoy.kiev.ua <1th at setevoy.kiev.ua>


I'm installed yum-cron and set:

# by default MAILTO is unset, so crond mails the output by itself
# example:  MAILTO=root
MAILTO="root at domain.org.ua"

I see in log that yum-cron done it's job:

# grep "yum" /var/log/cron
Aug 11 03:08:02 venti run-parts(/etc/cron.daily)[4516]: starting 
Aug 11 03:49:30 venti run-parts(/etc/cron.daily)[4761]: finished 

And I see that packages really updated, but - I don't see email 
notifications in my mail box... I got notification from spamd, for 
example, but nothing from yum-cron.

How can i find it in maillog? Some text from 'Subject'?

# grep "yum" /var/log/maillog

Doesn't give result.

Or - some other way to check?

Thanks for tips.