[CentOS] CentOS 6.5 printer weirdness...

Sat Aug 9 21:12:59 UTC 2014
Robert Heller <heller at deepsoft.com>

Ok, it is consistent and repeatable:

*Everytime* I do a routine 'yum update' on the CentOS 6.5 server (64-bit) the
printers (both of them networked laser printers, one an [old] HP Laserjet 4200
and one a [new] Brother MFC-9970CDW), cups loses the ability to print (its
filter chain becomes broken). According to the CUPS mailing list, this error
is 'never' because of of problem with cups, but always with the 'underlying
operating system' -- eg the 'underlying operating system' has messed with the
filters CUPS uses for the printers.

So is this a *known* problem?  Or is there something Redhat has done to the 
distributed cups RPM (or is it something the CentOS developers have done to 
the Redhat source rpm)?

I noticed that the update I just did included an updated cups RPM.

The *appearent* cure (workaround?) is to delete the printers, and re-install 

Has anyone else had this problem?

Robert Heller             -- 978-544-6933
Deepwoods Software        -- Custom Software Services
http://www.deepsoft.com/  -- Linux Administration Services
heller at deepsoft.com       -- Webhosting Services