[CentOS] Help with at Bash script

Hal Wigoda

hal.wigoda at gmail.com
Wed Dec 3 04:29:22 UTC 2014

What is domain, BTW?

(Sent from iPhone, so please accept my apologies in advance for any spelling or grammatical errors.)

> On Dec 2, 2014, at 12:05 PM, James B. Byrne <byrnejb at harte-lyne.ca> wrote:
> I am attempting to get a script borrowed from DJB to work on my CentOS-6.6
> box.  Simplified it looks like this:
> tcpdump -l -n -e port 53 \
>  | awk '{if ($14 ~ /A.*?/) print $15}' \
>  | while read domain ; do echo $domain ; done ;
> The sticking point is the 'while read' construct.  Run just as 'tcpdum | awk'
> I get this:
> english.stackexchange.com.
> www.urbandictionary.com.
> www.urbandictionary.com.
> www.urbandictionary.com.
> www.urbandictionary.com.
> api.mywot.com.
> a.udimg.com.
> a.udimg.com.
> fonts.googleapis.com.
> . . .
> Run with the 'while read $domain ; do echo ' pipe nothing appears whatsoever. 
> What am I doing wrong?
> -- 
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