[CentOS] NTP Vulnerability?

Eero Volotinen

eero.volotinen at iki.fi
Sat Dec 20 03:04:28 UTC 2014

fixed in:


maybe it's soon in centos too..

2014-12-20 4:42 GMT+02:00 listmail <listmail at entertech.com>:

> I just saw this:
> https://ics-cert.us-cert.gov/advisories/ICSA-14-353-01
> which includes this:
> " A remote attacker can send a carefully crafted packet that can overflow a
> stack buffer and potentially allow malicious code to be executed with the
> privilege level of the ntpd process. All NTP4 releases before 4.2.8 are
> vulnerable."
> "This vulnerability is resolved with NTP-stable4.2.8 on December 19, 2014."
> I guess no one has had time to respond yet. Wonder if I should shut down my
> external NTP services as a precaution?
> --Bill
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