Hello, on a Macbook with OSX Yosemite (which prints de_DE.UTF-8 as value of $LANG in Terminal) and VmWare Fusion 7 I have installed CentOS 6.6 minimal. When I ssh to my new VM as root, the $LANG is de_DE.UTF-8 too. I would like it to be en_US.UTF-8 instead. I have grepped /etc and /root for "de_DE", but nothing is found there. Grepping for LANG in /etc gives many results, esp. /etc/sysconfig/i18n contains: LANG="en_US.UTF-8" SYSFONT="latarcyrheb-sun16" So where does the change to de_DE happen and what is the best spot in CentOS 6 to set that to en_US.UTF-8 (I understand that I could set LANG in /root/.bash_profile but am looking for a better place to do that). Thank you Alex