Am 04.02.2014 um 22:49 schrieb Michael Mol <mikemol at>: > I'm attempting to install RequestTracker on CentOS 6.5. Running "make > testdeps" as recommended by RT's installation guide, I'm presented with > lists of missing Perl modules. > > One of these lines reads: > > Encode >= 2.39 ...MISSING > > > Now, "yum whatprovides '*/' " informs me that that module is > part of the core Perl distribution, and is installed on my system. > Opening the file itself reveals: > > # $Id:,v 2.35 2009/07/13 00:49:38 dankogai Exp $ > > so I know that I have version 2.35 of that module installed, and > obviously that's < 2.39. So I need to get 2.39 installed. > > What is the correct way to do this on CentOS? The last time I had to do > anything like this, it was on a Debian box, I went through the process > recommended by the guys in #perl, and was left with a broken system > that was a real joy to piece back together… I’m not sure about CentOS. This guide: suggest installing all the modules via CPAN (onto the original installation). I don’t believe this is going to work very well, once it touches modules already part of the initial installation (as in your case). Historically, you were best off with installing a perl from source into a different directory and using RT’s installer to fix all the dependencies. You can then update these modules as needed or required by security-issues / RT updates/upgrades, without interfering with the base OS update mechanism. If you choose this route, I would suggest using the NGINX+fast-cgi implementation, as you don’t have to worry about the mod_perl from base etc. Admittedly, this reduces CentOS to little more than a kernel+filesystem+sshd - but unless you find a repository that provides all the modules (well over a hundred last time I counted, significantly more if you enable all the optional dependencies) in all the right versions, all of the time, you will have a hell of a problem keeping RT running smoothly. I have no experience with Debian/Ubuntu, but I’d really only use packages in case I could package them up myself, specifically for this task.