I need some help about kernels, modules and so on. I've installed CentOS6.5 (fresh install) on a DELL E7440 laptop. After all the updates I get the latest kernel: kernel-2.6.32-431. But with this config I've a problem: If I close the screen on the keyboard, the laptop hibernate. When I open it the system restart (I connect use ssh to reach the laptop) but the screen remains black (Intel HD Graphics 4400). I've installed a more recent kernel from elrepo-kernel (kernel-lt-3.10.26-1.el6.elrepo.x86_64) and it solves the black screen problem. But now I have several errors about => kdump, Starting kdump: ÉCHOUÉ => vboxdrv Starting VirtualBox kernel modules ÉCHOUÉ (modprobe vboxdrv failed. Please use 'dmesg' to find out why) => dkms (requested for VirtualBox) Démarrage de dkms : Error! Your kernel headers for kernel 3.10.26-1.el6.elrepo.x86_64 cannot be found at /lib/modules/3.10.26-1.el6.elrepo.x86_64/build or /lib/modules/3.10.26-1.el6.elrepo.x86_64/source. but kernel-lt-headers cannot be installed (conflicting with the installed kernel-headers requested by many packages). So what could you suggest me to solve this situation ? -> kernel-2.6.32-431 all is working but if the laptop hibernate it hangs -> kernel 3.10.26-1 video works fine but I get conflicts for some applications Thanks for your advices Patrick -- =================================================================== | Equipe M.O.S.T. | | | Patrick BEGOU | mailto:Patrick.Begou at grenoble-inp.fr | | LEGI | | | BP 53 X | Tel 04 76 82 51 35 | | 38041 GRENOBLE CEDEX | Fax 04 76 82 52 71 | ===================================================================