[CentOS] cannot hibernate, not enough swap

Mon Jul 7 15:20:24 UTC 2014
Robert Moskowitz <rgm at htt-consult.com>

On 07/06/2014 02:55 PM, Michael Hennebry wrote:
> The last couple time I tried to hibernate, I got an error message:
>> PM: Not enough free swap
> I find that hard to believe:
> [hennebry at localhost doc]$ free -m
>                total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
> Mem:          3833       1124       2709          0         51        286
> -/+ buffers/cache:        786       3047
> Swap:        11453        356      11097
> [hennebry at localhost doc]$
> 1124+786+356=2266< 11097
> How do I figure out what is going on and fix it?
FWIW, I create 2xmemory for swap size.  My theory is if all the memory 
is used, then probably some of the swap is as well, so there better 
still be as much unused swap as memory.  So far I have not failed to 
hiberate with this approach.