[CentOS] Some thoughts on systemd

Fri Jul 18 21:20:49 UTC 2014
Mark Tinberg <mtinberg at wisc.edu>

On Jul 18, 2014, at 7:14 AM, Timothy Murphy <gayleard at alice.it> wrote:

>  In principle this should simplify the algorithms involved.
>  But it seems to me that the way in which it has been implemented
>  has in fact increased the complication rather than the reverse.

From my perspective this is a simplified implementation, service files have very simple and well documented behavior, any complication I see seems to be inherent to the problem space and existed before systemd came on the scene, so it’s not created by systemd.  A simple service example would be rsyslogd.service which just reads /etc/sysconfig/rsyslogd and runs /sbin/rsyslogd -n $SYSLOGD_OPTIONS a more complicated example would be mounting NFS filesystems, which has a bunch of dependancies on RPC port mapper services like idmap or gssapi a special filesystem in /var/lib/nfs etc.  Neil Brown wrote a series of articles for LWN on replacing the shell scripts in nfs-utils with systemd unit files for SuSE. https://lwn.net/Articles/584175/

So simple things are trivial, more complicated things are possible and the options are there in the config file if you want to use them but you aren’t forced to.

Mark Tinberg, System Administrator
Division of Information Technology - Network Services
University of Wisconsin - Madison
mtinberg at wisc.edu