[CentOS] How to compile APUE code on centos 6.X

Wed Jul 30 03:01:03 UTC 2014
Theodore Si <sjyzhxw at gmail.com>

I've installed libbsd(I think I have successed because when I execute 
man heapsort I see this)

and I make a link /lib/libbsd.so

since in the file Make.defines.linux the LDDIR is as follows:

then I add this to threads/barrier.c

howerver, I still get this:

? 2014/7/29 23:58, Jonathan Billings ??:
> On Tue, Jul 29, 2014 at 10:00:53PM +0800, Theodore Si wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I want to compile the source code of Advanced Programming in the Unix
>> Environment(APUE) 3rd edition, and I encountered some difficulties.
>> After executing "make", I got this message:
>> [...]
>> How to install libbsd to solve this problem on CentOS (this works on
>> Ubuntu)?
> You need the 'libbsd' package, available in EPEL.
> (http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL)
> The 'heapsort()' function is implemented there.