[CentOS] Trying to install amavisd-new in CentOS-7

Mon Jul 21 12:06:17 UTC 2014
Ned Slider <ned at unixmail.co.uk>

On 21/07/14 11:37, Timothy Murphy wrote:
> When I try
>   sudo yum install amavisd-new
> I get the message
> -------------------------
> Error: Package: amavisd-new-2.9.1-1.el7.noarch (epel)
>            Requires: perl(Unix::Syslog)
> Error: Package: amavisd-new-2.9.1-1.el7.noarch (epel)
>            Requires: clamav-server
> Error: Package: amavisd-new-2.9.1-1.el7.noarch (epel)
>            Requires: clamav-server-systemd
> Error: Package: amavisd-new-2.9.1-1.el7.noarch (epel)
>            Requires: cabextract
> Error: Package: amavisd-new-2.9.1-1.el7.noarch (epel)
>            Requires: perl(Convert::TNEF)
> -------------------------
> As this says, there is no clamav-server rpm
> (or clamav or clamd) in epel's CentOS-7 repository.
> I mentioned this before, and was advised to write to
> "the epel mailing list".
> However, there doesn't appear to be any relevant epel list;
> there is an epel-developers list, but I am far from a developer.
> There is also a redhat bugzilla list,
> but will redhat be interested in a CentOS user?

Yes, that bugzilla is the correct place to file bugs for EPEL packages.

Here's the link:


Or you can get to the right place by clicking to file a "New" bug on the
top menu bar, selecting "Fedora" and then "Fedora EPEL".

Then file your bug report against amavisd-new in the "Component" box.

They will be interested to receive bug reports from ALL users,
regardless if genuine or clone (RHEL, CentOS, Scientific Linux etc).

Hope that helps.