[CentOS] Loss of Ethernet adaptor

Mon Jun 9 16:52:53 UTC 2014
SilverTip257 <silvertip257 at gmail.com>

On Mon, Jun 9, 2014 at 12:45 PM, <m.roth at 5-cent.us> wrote:

> James B. Byrne wrote:
> > On Mon, June 9, 2014 11:46, Steve Clark wrote:
> <snip>
> > implementation as it necessarily involves a restart of the test system.
>  I
> > am trying to discover if there is some way of restarting a headless
> server
> > and use a specific grub entry instead of the default.  I want to leave
> the
> > default unchanged until I can prove that any manual changes I make do not
> > negatively impact a system restart.
> >
> > If anyone knows if this is possible and if so, how it is done, I would
> > welcome the information.

If you happen to be fortunate enough and have (ipmi v2) Serial over LAN
configured, you can reboot and change the boot selection.

> That's a no-brainer: change the default= line in grub from 0 to whatever

Not really.
James wrote that he does not want to "negatively impact a system restart".
 If I was in his shoes, I wouldn't change the grub default boot item
without serial-over-lan access, a KVM switch with network access, or
"remote hands" on site.  Otherwise you just changed your default boot item
and it could cyclically crash and (possibly) reboot.

> the entry number is. Note that I'm not sure what happens if you add a
> kernel update in there, whether the post-install scripts will increment
> the number so as to continue to point to the correct kernel.
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//  SilverTip257  //