I did some additional googling and downgraded xorg, the Xorg0.log file looks promising and as far as I can tell as a newbie, the driver loads, recognizes the card (ATI 3D Rage XL) and the monitor but when booting the computer the display freezes with the bar at the bottom and the text Centos 6.5. It is possible, however, to log into the the system and it seems to work normally with the exception of the graphic display. The last line of the Xorg.0.log file shows that the X server terminated successfully and closed the log file, it is not clear, however, to me why that happens. Would anyone be able to look at the file if I upload it? It is 77K. Thank you. On 06/20/14 12:58 pm, H wrote: > I have just installed Centos 6.5 on a Asus motherboard with an > embedded ATI Rage XL controller (and with no room to install a more > capable graphics card) and it is infuriatingly slow, running in VESA mode. > > Unfortunately this card is not supported "out-of-the-box" by centos > 6.5 and after Googling I have not found that the kmod-fglrx-legacy > driver from elrepo would work either according to its info page. > > Does anyone have experience with this (dated) card? > > Thank you. > > Hakan