[CentOS] SELinux issue?

Mon Jun 16 17:15:14 UTC 2014
Daniel J Walsh <dwalsh at redhat.com>

On 06/16/2014 11:13 AM, m.roth at 5-cent.us wrote:
> Chuck Campbell wrote:
>> I've recently built a new mail server with centos6.5, and decided to bite
>> the bullet and leave SELinux running. I've stumbled through making
> things work
>> and am mostly there.
>> I've got my own spam and ham corpus as mbox files in
>> /home/user/Mail/learned.
>> These files came from my backup of the centos 5 server this machine is
>> replacing.
>> The folder is owned by the user (the following is run as root):
>> ls -laF learned
>> drw-------. 6 user group   4096 Jun 10 03:35 ./
>> drw-------. 6 user group  35864Jun 10 03:35 ../
>> drw-------. 6 user group   4096 Jun 10 03:35 2004/
>> -rw-------. 6 user group 155296 Jun 10 03:35 2014_10_Jun_learned_spam
>> -rw-------. 6 user group 996584 Jun 10 03:35 2014_10_Jun_learned_ham
>> also as root:
>> ls -laZlearned
>> drw-------. 6 user group unconfined_u:object_r:mail_spool_t:s0.
>> drw-------. 6 user group unconfined_u:object_r:mail_spool_t:s0..
>> drw-------. 6 user group unconfined_u:object_r:mail_spool_t:s02004
>> -rw-------. 6 user group
>> system_u:object_r:mail_spool_t:s02014_10_Jun_learned_spam
>> -rw-------. 6 user group
>> system_u:object_r:mail_spool_t:s02014_10_Jun_learned_ham
>> When I do the same as the user, I get this:
>> ls -laF learned
>> ls: cannot access learned/2004: Permission denied
>> ls: cannot access 2014_10_Jun_learned_spam: Permission denied
>> ls: cannot access 2014_10_Jun_learned_ham: Permission denied
> <snip>
> Yup, you will. The *directories* have to be executable for you to look in
> them.
>       mark
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I think this is more of a DAC issue as Mark has said.