[CentOS] Linux malware attack

Wed Mar 19 14:01:36 UTC 2014
Johnny Hughes <johnny at centos.org>

On 03/19/2014 08:50 AM, Timothy Murphy wrote:
> SlashDot had an article today on a Linux server malware attack,
> <http://it.slashdot.org/story/14/03/18/2218237/malware-attack-infected-25000-linuxunix-servers>.
> I wonder if there is a simple test to see if a CentOS machine
> has been infected in this way?
> The article mentions Yara and Snort rules to test for this,
> but I wonder if there is something simpler?
> Alternatively, are there Yara or Snort packages for CentOS?
> ("Yum search" didn't seem to find anything.)

Look at this PDF:


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