[CentOS] sendmail delay in presenting banner

Sun Mar 23 17:38:56 UTC 2014
Gregory P. Ennis <PoMec at PoMec.net>

This is probably being caused by DNS timeout trying to reverse-lookup
the connecting IP.  Check that your resolver (/etc/resolv.conf) is set
correctly and responding to e.g. "dig -x [IP-address]" queries in a
timely manner.  If you are using DHCP, note that /etc/resolv.conf may
be automatically created by the network setup scripts so manual edits
may not "stick".

On Sun, Mar 23, 2014 at 8:39 AM, Gregory P. Ennis <PoMec at pomec.net> wrote:

Thanks for your help.  It smells like a DNS problem to me as well in
particular I can fix the problem with a statement in the access file

Connect:                          RELAY

When I checked reverse look up using 'dig -x [ip] I am not having any
problems, and /etc/resolv.conf on the mail server is set where it is
supposed to be ; I have also tried pointing this to other dns
servers, and I get the same problem.  I have expanded the log file entry
to : 

define(`confLOG_LEVEL', `29')dnl

But this does not give me any more information other than there is a
clear delay between the time of connecting and the time the sendmail
banner is produced by the mail server.   I am also not seeing any
problem in the named.log file.

Greg Ennis