[CentOS] The repodata directory is currently broken on several, if not all, mirrors for the 6.5 iso files

Sat Mar 29 14:14:18 UTC 2014
Greg Bailey <gbailey at lxpro.com>

On 03/29/2014 02:01 AM, jshields at hostgator.com wrote:
> The repodata directory on all 6.5 isos that I have sampled have an issue where the file names don't have extensions resulting in a yum repo error on installation just after disk partitioning. This error prompts you with the choice between either allowing you choose another repo or to exit the installer.


> The repomd.xml file has the correct names for the files, the files in this directory just have the sha sums as their file names, not the full path name as defined in the xml file. This results in yum breaking just after partitioning. The only way I was able to get around this before modifying the iso file was to follow the onscreen prompt and enter in a valid mirror as an HTTP/FTP host. This issue is currently afflicting all variants of 6.5.
> As of this writing the two test files I just confirmed have this issue are:
> http://mirror.cisp.com/CentOS/6.5/isos/x86_64/CentOS-6.5-x86_64-minimal.iso
> http://mirrors.bluehost.com/centos/6.5/isos/x86_64/CentOS-6.5-x86_64-minimal.iso

I downloaded the x86_64 minimal iso file from the bluehost.com and the 
kernel.org mirrors, and I'm not seeing what you're describing. Both have 
the full pathnames in the repodata directory.

Do you have some unusual mount options that you're using?  I tested with 
a simple "mount -o ro,loop" invocation.
