I've tried emailing this to centos-tm at redhat.com , but mailer-daemon at googlemail.com sent me this Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently: centos-tm at redhat.com Technical details of permanent failure: Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the server for the recipient domain redhat.com by mx1.redhat.com. []. The error that the other server returned was: 550 5.2.1<centos-tm at redhat.com>... Mailbox disabled for this recipient So I'm emailing this to you guys I'm thinking of creating a project based on JBoss EAP the same way CentOS does with RHEL. Obviously I can't call it JBoss EAP so I thought I could call it CentAP, for Community Enterprise Application Platform. Will this infringe on the Red Hat and/or CentOS trademarks? -- Pouar