[CentOS] logwatch named logs

Thu Mar 13 12:53:42 UTC 2014
SilverTip257 <silvertip257 at gmail.com>

On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 8:01 AM, John R Pierce <pierce at hogranch.com> wrote:

> On 3/13/2014 4:41 AM, Joseph L. Casale wrote:
> >> any idea how to suppress this?  this is centos 5.latest with bind 9.7
> > A local override, copy the named conf and move the regex that is
> > counting those events up to the ignore section.
> I assume you're referring to the logwatch configuration?    whack,
> /etc/logwatch/ has a bunch of mostly empty directories, I see no mention
> of named
> so I'm gonna have to spend the better part of a day figuring out how all
> this works?   meh.   I'd actually like to block named from creating
> these logs at all as my /var/log/messages are being polluted with huge
> amounts of this stuff daily.

In addition to ignore.conf regexes...

You can exclude logs for daemons all together (which I doubt you want).
The line below if placed in /usr/share/logwatch/default.conf/logwatch.conf
will exclude named logs.

Service = "-named"

//  SilverTip257  //