[CentOS] High load average, low CPU utilization

Thu Mar 27 22:44:53 UTC 2014
Miranda Hawarden-Ogata <hawarden at ifa.hawaii.edu>

On 2014/03/27 12:20, Matt Garman wrote:
> Anyone seen anything like this?  Any thoughts or ideas?
> Thanks,
> Matt

Something of a shot in the dark, but when we had a server with a high 
load average where nothing obvious was causing it, it turned out to be 
multiple df cmds hanging on a stale nfs mount. This command helped us id it:

top -b -n 1 | awk '{if (NR <=7) print; else if ($8 == "D") {print; 
count++} } END {print "Total status D: "count}'

Hope that helps,