[CentOS] 0006698: CentOS is missing libnetfilter queue related packages

Thu May 8 22:41:03 UTC 2014
Robert Moskowitz <rgm at htt-consult.com>

On 05/08/2014 04:22 PM, Andrew Holway wrote:
>> How can we get this as part of the standard install and maintained libs?
> Getting it part of the "standard" install is going to be very
> difficult as that would require getting RHEL to release it as part of
> RHEL6.
> There is EPEL which many regard as part of the standard install and
> libs These guys would be much more amenable to inclusion.
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL#What_is_Extra_Packages_for_Enterprise_Linux_.28or_EPEL.29.3F

On the EPEL list I was told that it is NOT in RHEL 7 release candidate. 
that is bad.