[CentOS] bash script reading directory with while and do

Wed May 28 15:12:12 UTC 2014
Elias Persson <delreich at takeit.se>

On 2014-05-28 15:35, m.roth at 5-cent.us wrote:
> Elias Persson wrote:
>> On 2014-05-25 12:08, Paolo De Michele wrote:> !/bin/bash
>>>          tar cfz `date +%F`_$NAME.tar.gz web$NR/
> Dumb question: why not
>       tar -czf /backup/www/test/`date +%F`_$NAME.tar.gz web$NR/
>> A few things:
> <snip>
>> 3. Your `tar` stanza is wrong (if it's not obvious to you why that is,
>>    now is a good time to make a habit of using long options
>>    (e.g. `--gzip`) whenever possible).
> Why long?
> <snip>
>          mark

With long options one can't stick something that takes an argument
in the middle of a bunch of others (which was the error I thought
was present here, and would have been the case if your example had
the options in the same order).
It's also more readily apparent what the options do, though that's
not much of an issue for common things like tar or rm. I for one can
never recall if it's -c or -C that's --reuse-message for git commit.