[CentOS] USB-3.0 on C6.5 ??

Thu May 29 14:13:07 UTC 2014
Fred Smith <fredex at fcshome.stoneham.ma.us>

On Thu, May 29, 2014 at 07:12:24AM -0500, Johnny Hughes wrote:
> On 05/28/2014 10:52 PM, Fred Smith wrote:
> > I didn't do that, but what I did do was download a nightly build
> > for Fedora 21, a live CD image, burn it to a disc and boot that.
> > One would think it has a recent kernel (I neglected to look while
> > it was running to find out what kernel it was). 
> >
> > so I ran a bunch of commands to copy stuff to and from it, and 
> > while it took a few minutes, it also failed in more or less the same
> > way. I'd guess that means that whatever the bug is, it's not fixed
> > in Linux, yet.
> >
> > :( :( :(
> >


I believe that is the only USB3 device here. Did you see my posting
a few days ago that said it appears to work as a USB2 device? At least
I beat on it for a good while and it didn't fail, then.

> So, do you have any other external USB 3 drives laying around to test with?
> It would be good to test if this is a problem with more than just the
> one external RAID box that you are using.
> How long does this usually take to get the error and what kind of writes
> access does it take to cause it to fail .. I have 2 of those exact
> boards in production and a USB3 drive I can plug in and test.  I would
> like to know if this is specific to individual drives or an overall USB3
> problem as I recommend those boards to people now.

(yeah, I know... you may recall I asked about good boards and you said
you'd had good luck with that one, so in lieu of other suggestions I
got one. So far it's been great!)

What I've done to make it fail is find a file (or a tree of directories
and files) of several gigabytes and copy it to the device repeatedly
until it fails, removing the file from the device between copies.
It usually takes only 2-3 such copies to see the failure.

FYI, the Fedora nightly build live CD (the Mate one) I ran last night
also suffered a kernel error right after the USB failure (I suspect they
may be related, but don't know with any certainty) and auto-generated a
bugzilla report, if you think it may be interesting, it's number 1102452
which has, as I now see, been closed as a duplicate of 1096572..

---- Fred Smith -- fredex at fcshome.stoneham.ma.us -----------------------------
                        The Lord is like a strong tower. 
             Those who do what is right can run to him for safety.
--------------------------- Proverbs 18:10 (niv) -----------------------------