[CentOS] clamav

Fri May 30 13:38:44 UTC 2014
Emmett Culley <lst_manage at webengineer.com>

On 05/30/2014 01:56 AM, Ljubomir Ljubojevic wrote:
> On 05/30/2014 10:04 AM, Filip Bartmann wrote:
>> On Thu, 29 May 2014 21:53:53 -0700
>> Emmett Culley <lst_manage at webengineer.com> wrote:
>>> Every time I update my system with clamav, it doesn't restart and
>>> freshclam no longer works, because of a permission issue on the log
>>> directory.  Each time I update clamav I have to search the Internet
>>> to figure out what there is to do.  That NEVER helps so I try
>>> different combinations on user and group in amavis-new and clamav
>>> configuratio files, until I eventually get them both to work.
>>> I am getting clamav and amavisd update from the epel repo.  What can
>>> I do to prevent this from happening?
>> I have same issue, and i have after each update change permissions
>> of /var/log/clamav and /var/lib/clamav to amavis.amavis.
>> Filip Bartmann
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> "It turns out that the EPEL version uses user 'clam' while the RPMforge
> version uses user "clamav"."
> and
> "Now - i've removed all instances of Clam and any trace from /etc /var
> including users and groups and added the EPEL version afresh."
> from:
> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=794945
> Internet search engines ARE your friend!
I've been looking for that bug report for at least a couple of years.  Thanks!

I removed clamd, clamd and amavisd-new and all their parts, then re-installed from EPEL, then added some special rules from the old amavisd.conf file to the new.  Now it all works as expected.

And yes, clamd, clamav and amavisd-new were all originally installed from RPMforge.
