[CentOS] Kickstart IPv6 Gateway

Tue Nov 11 17:30:32 UTC 2014
Markus Falb <markus.falb at fasel.at>

On 11.11.2014 17:44, anax wrote:
> Did you probably forget to provide the network prefix, when specifiying
> the ipv6 address?
> ....
> --ipv6=2001:123:abc::123/network-prefix

doesn't it default to /64 ?

> ....
> suomi
> On 11/11/2014 09:44 AM, John Tall wrote:
>> Hi.
>> I'm installing CentOS 7 with Kickstart on a machine that has IPv6. The
>> problem is that while it has an IPv6 address after installation it
>> does not have the IPv6 gateway. I'm using NetworkManager and my
>> network configuration is completely static, no autoconf or dhcpv6.
>> My Kickstart configuration uses the following network configuration
>> (actual values replaced but with the same format):
>> network  --device enp1s0 --bootproto=static --gateway=
>> --ip= --nameserver=
>> --netmask= --ipv6=2001:123:abc::123
>> --ipv6gateway=2001:123:abc::1  --activate
>> network  --hostname=test.example.org
>> The Red Hat installation guide suggests that --ipv6gateway should be
>> used but it looks like it's not picked up. Does anyone know why this
>> doesn't work?

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
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