[CentOS] Not To James B. Byrne

Miranda Hawarden-Ogata hawarden at ifa.hawaii.edu
Fri Nov 14 21:02:23 UTC 2014

On 2014/11/14 10:38, Les Mikesell wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 14, 2014 at 2:25 PM, Miranda Hawarden-Ogata
> <hawarden at ifa.hawaii.edu> wrote:
>> Matches: to:(centos at centos.org)
>> Do this: Skip Inbox, Mark as read, Apply label "Lists/centos", Never send it
>> to Spam
> If you auto-mark as read, how do you ever know when it really is read?
I don't use the gmail interface for day-to-day email processing, for 
precisely that reason. It is why I resort to TB. When I'm at work I read 
all email with a work-centric focus. When I'm at home I read all email 
with a not-so-work-centric focus (unless I'm working from home, as I am 
today). But all email gets pulled to both locations. If something kills 
my work pc, I have a copy at home and vice versa. Which is handy when my 
email goes back 15+ years and google won't let me keep it all there 
without paying for it which I'd rather not do. For the older email, 
those TB clients are the only copies I have. Even though I have backups, 
I still do this because recovery has been very quick this way (just 
replace the dead profile with the good one).

And of course, when the apocalypse comes and gmail goes away, I'm all 
prepared! [/joke]

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