[CentOS] Actual complaining: nixspam
Götz Reinicke - IT Koordinator
goetz.reinicke at filmakademie.deWed Nov 19 15:23:13 UTC 2014
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Am 19.11.14 um 15:31 schrieb m.roth at 5-cent.us: > Götz Reinicke - IT Koordinator wrote: >> Am 08.10.14 um 23:07 schrieb John R. Dennison: >>> On Wed, Oct 08, 2014 at 05:04:45PM -0400, m.roth at 5-cent.us wrote: >>>> >>>> Well, no: they tell me that they are *billed* for each major incident. >>> >>> There is a legal term that applies to this use case: "extortion" >> >> AFAIK IX is not billing .... They do a great job for couple of years. > > They have NOT been doing a "great job" for many years. Back around 2000 or > 2001, Cogeco in Canada was using them... and they blocked Chicago > Roadrunner, which was *the* ISP for most of the city of Chicago, one of > the three largest cities in the US (competition? what's that?) Right now, > hostmonster, my hosting provider, uses a primary mailserver to send from > their literal millions of domains (I got that figure from their tech > support), and it was hostmonster's tech support that told me they were > paying something like $150 "per incident" to get themselves removed - I > assume this is when nixspam claims they've got too many complaints for me > to remove myself. In ANY large hosting provider, anyone can buy a domain > and start spamming in hours, if not minutes, and I challenge you to show > me a large hosting provider that does not have this problem. > So some tech support tells you something, and you believe him for 100%? Go and get some real prove. > Twenty years ago, when there were thousands of small ISPs, nixspam's > method made sense. With the mergers, and the near-death of small ISPs, > it's an *idiot's* idea. Plus, they don't offer a whitelist, to get one's > self listed, for love or money. If it is such and idiot's idea, why are they still so famous and widely used? > > No, they're assholes, using a methodology that's 15+ years out of date. > And, I'll note, even the CentOS list gets spam, in spite of nixspam. Uh. your rudeness gives an deep insight of your state of mind and your POV. masterstroke to be taken seriously! >> >> The problem might be m.roths provider, if they have a zombi spam system >> somewhere and dynamic IPs e.g. they can be put on the list. > > See above. Perhaps you don't understand the current business model of > large hosting providers, and the reality of what they have to deal with. I know that and a lot of them (still) suck. We hat all over Germany problems couple of years ago with phone companies like eplus and cable tv providers as ISPs getting an RBLs etc. Still web.de, 1&1 and gmx with ++45 millions of mail accounts suck in some ways (currently we are investigating such an issue.) >> >> http://www.heise.de/ix/NiX-Spam-DNSBL-and-blacklist-for-download-499637.html >> >> If your mail server is affected by our blacklist please ask your >> internet service provider or your network administrator to shut down the >> spam source in your network because this is the blacklisting reason. >> Follow the removal instructions on www.dnsbl.manitu.net if you need to >> speed up the delisting process. > > Wait, *YOUR* blacklist? Are you actually affiliated with nixspam? If so, > then add a significant number of curses and insults, because you have *NO* > answer to what I say, above. And, btw, when are you going to block, say, > yahoo's mailservers? //very confused head-shaking// Read all information provided, than start shouting ... if you where interested in a objective discussion and problem solving you would have opened the link and read the text and would have seen that this is a quote. sorry that I forgot to mark and underline and point this out that a .... like you can see this. Over and out. my last2cents on this. /Götz -- Götz Reinicke IT-Koordinator Tel. +49 7141 969 82 420 E-Mail goetz.reinicke at filmakademie.de Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg GmbH Akademiehof 10 71638 Ludwigsburg www.filmakademie.de Eintragung Amtsgericht Stuttgart HRB 205016 Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Jürgen Walter MdL Staatssekretär im Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg Geschäftsführer: Prof. Thomas Schadt
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