[CentOS] Systemd Adding Its Own Console To Linux Systems

Fri Oct 10 20:18:58 UTC 2014
Chris Adams <linux at cmadams.net>

Once upon a time, Marko Vojinovic <vvmarko at gmail.com> said:
> I don't really see how systemd violates the "do one thing and do it
> well" philosophy.

systemd (as PID 1) is not necessarily the problem.  The problem IMHO is
the systemd _project_ that appears to have a severe case of scope creep.
They have swallowed up other projects (udev, dbus), reinvented wheels
(logging, ntp, network configuration), and appear to still be growing
without bounds.  When people don't like some of the decisions of systemd
developers, and the systemd project keeps taking over more of the core
OS functionality, it is frustrating to watch.

Chris Adams <linux at cmadams.net>