[CentOS] lynx only shows : FRAME: wlmframe

Thu Oct 23 18:53:19 UTC 2014
Keith Keller <kkeller at wombat.san-francisco.ca.us>

On 2014-10-23, Johan Vermeulen <jvermeulen at cawdekempen.be> wrote:
> when I log in through ssh to a remote site and open the web interface 
> from a ( new ) printer using Lynx,
> it only displays :
> FRAME: wlmframe
> I suspect this is some unfriendly coding, that will cost me time in 
> opening Firefox instead of Lynx or w3m.
> Does anybody know of a way around this?

You will need to figure out what URL the printer wants.  You can look at
the source HTML to see if you can figure it out.  links might be able to
show more of the page, as well.  That might be a total solution, as
there may be even more ''unfriendly'' coding that prevents you from using
their UI from a text-based browser (e.g., point-and-click JavaScript).


kkeller at wombat.san-francisco.ca.us