[CentOS] And now for something completely different. Win7 on KVM

Patrick Bervoets patrick.bervoets at psc-elsene.be
Mon Oct 27 07:57:22 UTC 2014

Op 23-10-14 om 18:00 schreef James B. Byrne:
> At the moment none I guess. The message is that the client cannot find a
> driver.  I have virtio-win-0.1-74.iso and virtio-win-0.1-81.iso on the
> hypervisor host.  How do I get the driver from there into the guest?  Does the
> client have access to the hypervisor's file-systems?  Do I mount the ISO as a
> cd-rom in the guest?  How is that done?  In virt-manager?  Is there a document
> somewhere that I can get an idea on how this is supposed to work?


I don't know if help is still needed.

You can mount the iso via virt-manager if you have (or create) a virt-storage-pool.

If you can reboot the client you could edit /etc/libvirt/qemu/virtclientname.xml and add
    <disk type='file' device='cdrom'>
       <driver name='qemu' type='raw'/>
       <source file='/opt/isos/virtio-win-0.1-81.iso'/>
       <target dev='hdc' bus='ide'/>
       <address type='drive' controller='0' bus='1' target='0' unit='0'/>
to <devices>

(if your client already has more than 2 drives attached, change target dev hdc to hdd or ...)

You can switch your storages to virtio too, I did it in the past but fail to find my notes.

I think that the steps on this page are correct:

And, of course, work on a snapshot or at least have a copy of your client.

If you need help to change the driver in Windows I suggest we take this off-list since some are very allergic to Microsoft.


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