I know folks have different opinions about Network Manager, but while researching how to change the name of a NIC without rebooting, I also came across the following page from RedHat that I’ll share as I find it’s very clear and concise explanations on how these services interact on CentOS/RHEL 7: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/7/html/Networking_Guide/sec-NetworkManager_and_the_Network_Scripts.html It answered my question as to whether it’s appropriate to have both services running and apparently this is fine, but not necessary depending on how you configure networking. Mark MARK H RICHER, MS CS NPS-NCR Digital Forensics Lab IT Manager Computer Science Department Naval Postgraduate School - National Capital Region (NCR) 900 N Glebe Rd, Rm 5-182, Arlington, VA 22203 571.858.3254 (o) 571.303.9498 (m) mhricher at nps.edu<mailto:mhricher at nps.edu>