[CentOS] Problems with getty and X on runlevel switch [Was: Re: The future of centos]

Wed Apr 8 14:22:30 UTC 2015
Liam O'Toole <liam.p.otoole at gmail.com>

On 2015-04-08, David Both
<dboth at millennium-technology.com>
> The easy way to restart gdm is when you are on the login screen itself
> or the desktop simply press Ctrl-Alt-Backspace. This works for Upstart
> in CentOS 6.x but will not work for CentOS 7.x which uses Systemd. The
> service command does not work for gdm. However, logging out of the
> desktop will restart gdm. It works for the graphical login exactly
> like the gettys in a TTY environment.

Thanks for the suggestion.

Logging out and keying ctrl-alt-backspace both restart X, certainly, but
I'm not so sure about gdm. I'm not at a CentOS 6 machine right now so I
can't confirm one way or the other.

> On 04/08/2015 06:36 AM, Liam O'Toole wrote:
>> On 2015-04-04, Bill Maltby (C4B)
>> <centos4bill at gmail.com>  wrote:
>>> On Sat, 2015-04-04 at 11:12 +0100, Nux! wrote:
>>>> 100% with Digimer here.  <snip> All this energy should be put into
>>>> contributing towards to the project, testing, helping out
>>>> community.
>>> Well, I used to agree. But when a bug report filed in December goes
>>> untouched entering April, which I don't recall happening prior to RH
>>> subsuming the project, it takes away impetus to ever file one again
>>> from lowly end users like me I think.
>>> http://bugs.centos.org/view.php?id=7972
>> Thanks for drawing my attention to that bug. I encountered it the
>> other day after switching from runlevel 5 to 3 (and back again) on a
>> CentOS 6.6 machine.
>> The purpose of the runlevel switch was to restart gdm. Is there a
>> better way?

