[CentOS] IP aliases for services (including dhcpd)?

Wed Apr 22 19:49:01 UTC 2015
David Both <dboth at millennium-technology.com>

Yes confusion will abound. There should only ever be one and only one DHCP 
server on any network. With two you will sooner of later have multiple DHCP 
client hosts with the same IP addresses.

On 04/22/2015 03:36 PM, Les Mikesell wrote:
> I'd like to consolidate the services from several old servers onto 2
> CentOS7 VMs that are currently running dhcpd in a balanced/failover
> configuration.   It will simplify things to add the IPs from the old
> servers as aliases, at least temporarily so everything will continue
> to connect without changes.
> However, after adding the first one, I see in the logs that DHCPD is
> sending its DHCPACKs alternating between ens192 and ens192:0 every
> other time, but oddly it is always using the non-alias IP as the
> source every time according to tcpdump -n.  Is this configuration
> likely to confuse anything?
> -- 
> *********************************************************
> David P. Both, RHCE
> Millennium Technology Consulting LLC
> Raleigh, NC, USA
> 919-389-8678
> dboth at millennium-technology.com
> www.millennium-technology.com
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