[CentOS] How to decrypt rootpassword form kickstart file

Wed Apr 1 19:25:30 UTC 2015
Always Learning <centos at u64.u22.net>

On Wed, 2015-04-01 at 18:09 +0200, Andrew Holway wrote:
> >
> > This is all interesting, but I've got one dumb question: why do you need
> > to decrypt it?
> >
> In the UK we have a law which give you the right to remain silent; so as
> not to incriminate yourself. I think in the US its known as "taking the
> fifth".

English law states silence, in response to an arrest caution, can be
used against the arrested person at their criminal trial.  The English
system permits prosecutors to mislead and confuse the jury and to
blatantly lie about the defendant. In those circumstances has an alleged
"Right not to self-incriminate" any practical usefulness ?

Follow-ups, if any, off the list, please.


England, EU.      Je suis Charlie.