[CentOS] OT: Recommended anti-virus for Windows

Thu Apr 2 23:03:33 UTC 2015
Valeri Galtsev <galtsev at kicp.uchicago.edu>

On 04/02/15 17:35, Brian Bernard wrote:
> Well them plus CIA, NSA, Barney the Dinosaur and Teletubbies.
> Brian Bernard
> On Apr 2, 2015 5:58 PM, "Александр Кириллов" <nevis2us at infoline.su> wrote:
>> One thing I forgot to mention: I also always recommend AGAINST using
>>> kasperski. Kasperski is KGB guy (*cough* *cough* retired. You know in that
>>> service retirement is only feet first dead, so you do your math).
>> Is KGB rant still in vogue in your new homeland?

I dislike KGB, NSA, CIA, and all other similar services and dirty trick 
divisions alike. Whichever country they work for. Always did. Never 
considered myself any sort of "fighter" against them. But I do advise my 
users to stay away from the ones I personally am certain about 
(kasperski antivirus in this case). And I do assume everyone who listens 
to my advise uses one's own brain to either take an advise or not. And 
come to ones own conclusion about either kasperski (in this case) or 
about me, - as you, Alexandr, did. Either is fine by me.

Sorry, Alexandr, it didn't mean to sound personal. And I know Russians 
often take anything said about anything else Russia related personally. 
But I do feel obliged to warn people whenever appropriate. Even taking 
chance stepping on other people toes (good people as well which I'm sure 
you are) if the last may be to sensitive about the subject.

My apology I'm answering somebody's else message, yours somehow didn't 
show up in my e-mail, but I'm sure there is no harm in that.


Valeri Galtsev
Sr System Administrator
Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics
Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics
University of Chicago
Phone: 773-702-4247