[CentOS] systemd private tmp dirs

Thu Apr 16 12:44:21 UTC 2015
Les Mikesell <lesmikesell at gmail.com>

On Thu, Apr 16, 2015 at 6:58 AM, Dennis Jacobfeuerborn
<dennisml at conversis.de> wrote:
> >>
>> No, systemd actually remaps /tmp from apache - and apparently most
>> other daemons - to private directories  below /tmp with configs as
>> shipped.  The command line tool wrote the file to /tmp as expected.
>> The perl code running under httpd reading what it thought was /tmp was
>> actually looking under /tmp/systemd-private-something.  I'm beginning
>> to see why so much of EPEL isn't included in epel7 yet.
> The issue here really isn't systemd or the PrivateTmp feature but the
> fact that some applications don't properly distinguish between temporary
> files and data files.

Maybe, but if an application wants a private directory for temporary
files, shouldn't it create and manage that directory itself instead of
being second-guessed by the default configuration of the OS?

> Temporary files are files the application generates temporarily for
> internal processing and that are not to be touched by anybody else.
> If as in the twiki backup case the files generated are to be used by
> somebody else after twiki is done generating them then these are regular
> data files and not temporary files.

This is very fuzzy...  It is really all the application code
creating/reading the files, and they are intended to be created at
least daily with timestamps in the name and not live forever.

> The application should have a configuration option to set its data
> directory and it should default to /var/lib/<application-name>.
> In cases where this option is not available and the application "abuses"
> the tmp directory as data directory there is probably no other option
> than to the set PrivateTmp=false in the service file.

It does that - the issue is just that it is handy (and common) to use
cron to do the scheduled runs and what the application sees as
absolute file paths are perverted by the system into something
surprising. The 'modern' approach might be to provide a rest type
interface in the web application so the cron job could use wget/curl
to access a URL instead of running the perl code itself. But that's
also kind of weird to have to do to get a consistent view of the
filesystem.    And as far as what the default location should be -
what would be correct for portable code?   Isn't /var/lib/something
kind of linux-centric?  Where can an application expect to be able to

   Les Mikesell
     lesmikesell at gmail.com