[CentOS] CentOS 5 grub boot problem

Thu Aug 6 20:08:27 UTC 2015
Bowie Bailey <Bowie_Bailey at BUC.com>

On 8/6/2015 3:56 PM, Gordon Messmer wrote:
> On 08/05/2015 08:12 AM, Bowie Bailey wrote:
>> This is an old system with only IDE ports.  There is an added 
>> Highpoint raid card which is used only for the two extra IDE ports.
> Why "extra"?  Are there drives connected to this system other than the 
> two you're discussing for the software RAID sets?
> I know you said that you can't take the system down for an extended 
> period of time.  Do you have enough time to connect the two 1TB drives 
> and nothing else, and do a new install?  It would be useful to know if 
> such an install booted, to exclude the possibility that there's some 
> fundamental incompatibility between some combination of the BIOS, the 
> Highpoint boot ROM, and the 1TB drives.
> If it doesn't boot, you have the option of putting the bootloader, 
> kernel, and initrd on some other media.  You could boot from an 
> optical disc, or a USB drive, or CF.

To be honest, I don't remember why the Highpoint card was used.  It 
could be that I had originally intended to use the raid capabilities of 
the card, or maybe I just didn't want the two members of the mirror to 
be master/slave on the same IDE channel.

Doing a new install on the two 1TB drives is my current plan.  If that 
works, I can connect the old drive, copy over all the data, and then try 
to figure out what I need to do to get all the programs running again.
