[CentOS] C6.7 evolution to cyrus imap(s) fails

Tue Aug 11 20:13:58 UTC 2015
Dr J Austin <ja at maui.jaa.org.uk>

On Tue, 11 Aug 2015, Richard wrote:

> ------------ Original Message ------------
>> Date: Tuesday, August 11, 2015 20:24:36 +0200
>> From: Alexander Dalloz <ad+lists at uni-x.org>
>> Am 11.08.2015 um 17:56 schrieb Dr J Austin:
>>> Hi
>>> I have been using evolution/cyrus/exim for 10 years - until
>>> yesterday!
>>> I upgraded to C6.7 and now there is no way I can find of
>>> connecting from evo to the cyrus imap(s) server
>>> [root at maui:~]$ ps -ef|grep imap
>>> cyrus    27768     1  0 15:21 ?        00:00:00
>>> /usr/lib/cyrus-imapd/cyrus-master -d
>>> cyrus    27775 27768  0 15:21 ?        00:00:00 imapd -s
>>> cyrus    27779 27768  0 15:21 ?        00:00:00 imapd
>>> cyrus    27781 27768  0 15:21 ?        00:00:00 imapd
>>> cyrus    27782 27768  0 15:21 ?        00:00:00 imapd
>>> cyrus    27783 27768  0 15:21 ?        00:00:00 imapd
>>> cyrus    27933 27768  0 15:36 ?        00:00:00 imapd
>>> cyrus    28048 27768  0 15:46 ?        00:00:00 imapd
>>> evo is running on a fully updated F22 machine, cyrus/exim on C6.7
>>> k-9 mail on a tablet and a mobile no longer connect
>>> even tried thunderbird which also would not connect
>>> When trying to connect with evo I get Failed to open folder
>>> The reported error was "Could not connect to
>>> Connection refused"
>>> If I try to change things by editing the "Recieving Email" menu
>>> ie by changing the "Encryption method" from "SSL on a dedicated
>>> port" 993 to "No encryption" it still fails
>>> In fact just hitting Authentication "Check for supported types"
>>> gives
>>> Failed to query server for a list of supported authentication
>>> mechanisms. Could not connect to Connection refused
>>> wireshark shows just two lines using tcp.port==993 filter
>>> Unfortunately this does not mean much to me!
>>> 124    3.276582000    TCP    74
>>> 54564→993 [SYN] Seq=0 Win=29200 Len=0 MSS=1460 SACK_PERM=1
>>> TSval=71392019 TSecr=0 WS=128
>>> 125    3.276770000    TCP    60
>>> 993→54564 [RST, ACK] Seq=1 Ack=1 Win=0 Len=0
>>> I have tried the following to no avail
>>> tcpdump -s 0 -w dump_file
>>> ssldump -a -A -H -d -r dump_file
>>> and
>>> selinux in permissive mode
>>> firewall off
>>> Help!
>>> John
>> What does cyrus-imapd log?
>> Alexander
> A "connection refused" response generally means that the daemon
> isn't allowing the connection (isn't listening or is configured to
> reject), rather than something with the handshake protocol. So,
> mucking with your clients' encryption/authentication settings
> probably won't do anything.
> You might also want to use netstat to confirm what's listening as
> your imapd and to confirm that it's listening on the external
> interface (not just localhost). Something like:
>  netstat -pln | egrep ':993|:143'
> as root, should get the interesting bits.
> Also, you might want to check to see if the cyrus config files were
> touched with the update (look also for rpmnew and rpmold cyrus
> config files).
Hi Richard

Hopefully this will be threaded but I am forced to use Alpine at the 

netstat output shows

[root at maui:~]$ netstat -pln | egrep ':993|:143'
tcp        0      0 :::993                      :::* 
LISTEN      2515/cyrus-master
tcp        0      0 :::143                      :::* 
LISTEN      2515/cyrus-master
udp        0      0       * 
udp        0      0       * 
I did check whether cyrus type things were changed from 6.6 to 6.7
but it seems that nothing has been changed

Current (6.7 rpms)
[root at maui:~]$ rpm -qa|grep -i cyrus

I have checked as follows (and the 6.6 and 6.7 repos)
root at maui:~]$ yum history list
Loaded plugins: refresh-packagekit
ID     | Login user               | Date and time    | Action(s)      | 
    296 |  <localuser>             | 2015-08-10 18:57 | E, I, U        | 
441 EE
root at maui:~]$ yum history info 296 |grep cyrus
[root at maui:~]$

[root at maui:~]$ yum history info 296
Loaded plugins: refresh-packagekit
Transaction ID : 296
Begin time     : Mon Aug 10 18:57:05 2015
Begin rpmdb    : 1690:ba774adeba878250ee530bba04e9d21f3131213a
End time       :            19:11:19 2015 (14 minutes)
End rpmdb      : 1700:3a7e6c33d354503cc503597393e85b8e82ed16e5
User           :  <localuser>
Return-Code    : Success
Command Line   : update
Transaction performed with:
     Updated       rpm-4.8.0-38.el6_6.x86_64       @updates
     Updated       yum-3.2.29-60.el6.centos.noarch @base
Packages Altered:
     Updated     ImageMagick- 
     Updated     ImageMagick-c++- 
     Update          3.2.29-69.el6.centos.noarch 
Scriptlet output:
    1 warning: /etc/sysctl.conf created as /etc/sysctl.conf.rpmnew
    2 udevd[27166]: GOTO 'pulseaudio_check_usb' has no matching label in: 
    3 Stopping slapd: [  OK  ]
    4 Starting slapd: [  OK  ]
history info
