[CentOS] CentOS-6, SELInux, Ruby-on-Rails, Passenger and Kernel-2.6.32

Thu Aug 13 15:00:56 UTC 2015
m.roth at 5-cent.us <m.roth at 5-cent.us>

James B. Byrne wrote:
> We run a project administration system web application call 'Redmine'.
>  I have been trying for ages, without success, to get SELinux and
> Passenger -- essentially a fast-cgi replacement Apache module built
> specifically for Rails -- to run together.
> I have found that the latest versions of the Passenger Apache module
> are supposed to work on CentOS-6, but not with the stock kernel.
We had a project that used ruby-on-rails & passenger (bleah!), and I
though I don't seem to have any links bookmarked, I know that I could
google, and find either a passenger policy, or how to create one, so that
it worked with the stock kernel.

Ah, I just looked on one of the servers that had it, and I see we created
our own. If you like, I can email you the four .5e's I have offlist.
