[CentOS] Centos 6.5 install, missing libraries: where did I go wrong?

Sat Aug 15 16:34:41 UTC 2015
Johnny Hughes <johnny at centos.org>

On 08/15/2015 08:11 AM, Richard wrote:
>> Date: Saturday, August 15, 2015 09:57:46 +0100
>> From: Tony Molloy <tony.molloy at ul.ie>
>> On Saturday 15 August 2015 06:59:36 Gilbert Sebenste wrote:
>>> Hello everyone,
>>> I had a CentOS 6.5 CD for a clean install, and I did a desktop
>>>  install. Then I did a yum update to bring it up to 6.7. So far,
>>>  so good.
>>> I run a bunch of scientific programs that use C++ compilers and
>>>  libraries. But, the programs were failing becaause in /usr/lib,
>>>  the libraries simply weren't there. The directory was fairly
>>>  sparsely populated with about 10 directories of libraries for
>>>  specific programs. But otherwise, things that are in /usr/lib on
>>>  a Centos 5 server, such as:
>>> libkate.so.1.2.1
>>> libkdb5.a
>>> libkdb5.so
>>> libkdb5.so.4
>>> are indeed there. These are just 4 library examples. I assume I
>>> did something wrong in the installation to keep the lib*.so.*
>>> files from installing into /usr/lib. What do I need to do next
>>>  time to keep that from happening? Anyone have any ideas?
>>> Gilbert
>> Assuming this was a 64bit install the libraries are in /usr/lib64
>> not  /usr/lib.
>> Tony
> The default install doesn't necessarily include all the libraries
> that you might need, but you have the option to add (and subtract)
> packages during that process.
> Now that you're past that point, you can use "yum whatprovides" to
> find the .rpms that include the needed libraries. You'll want to
> make certain that you install the 32 vs 64 bit versions as needed. 

Also, since you are talking about compilers ... <package-name>-devel
files are used for compiling against.  These devel files provide headers
(.h files) and the main .so file for linking.  Devel files are not
normally installed on systems as they are not needed for normal
operation, but are used for building.

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