[CentOS] Shared folders with Centos-7 guest in VMware-10 using open-vm-tools

Tue Aug 18 03:44:41 UTC 2015
Bob Hepple <bob.hepple at gmail.com>

Bob Hepple <bob.hepple at ...> writes:

> Hi!
> Just wondering if anyone has this working ...
> Centos-7 guest in VMware-10 host (on Windows-7  )

Just to report my resolution of this one - no-one has been able to report 
success with vmware-tools with VMware-10, Windows-7 host, Centos-7 guest so 

So I tried Centos-6.7 and all is well after installing vmware-tools from the 
tarball provided by vmware - screen resolution, auto-sensing and shared 

Centos-6.7 is fine for me and I'll be living there instead of the nightmare 
desktop provided by the employer.

