[CentOS] new laptop: DVD or Blu-ray

Fri Aug 21 17:41:55 UTC 2015
ken <gebser at mousecar.com>

[I guess were doing top-posting on this sub-thread.  Okay, why fight it??]

Chris, I didn't know that either.  In fact, Sorin answered the question 
I was thinking of when I posted it.  It's really counter-intuitive, even 
misleading, that "authoring" means burning the DVD... or maybe it means 
that in the context of DVDs, but means something else in the context of 
film/video production.  (But then in that latter context, "producing" 
means "supplying or arranging the funding for", which is also 
misleading.)  When someone says they authored a book, to me that doesn't 
mean they only printed it, bound it, and put a cover on it.  Well, it's 
not something worth pounding to death.  People had to have been happier 
before there was language.  :)

On 08/21/2015 04:28 AM, Chris Yereaztian wrote:
> Sorin, authoring a movie usually refers to actually creating a disc (e.g.
> DVD/Blu-Ray with chapter marks and what not). It's the step that comes
> after you've shot and edited the movie, see
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DVD_authoring. As far as I know K3B, Bombone
> DVD and DeVede are capable of authoring DVDs. K3B (version dependent)
> should even be able to create Blu-Ray discs so that they are playable on
> standalone players.
> Kind Regards
> Chris
> On Fri, Aug 21, 2015 at 8:23 AM, Sorin Srbu <Sorin.Srbu at orgfarm.uu.se>
> wrote:
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: centos-bounces at centos.org [mailto:centos-bounces at centos.org] On
>>> Behalf Of ken
>>> Sent: den 20 augusti 2015 19:27
>>> To: CentOS mailing list
>>> Subject: Re: [CentOS] new laptop: DVD or Blu-ray
>>> I'm suprised no one yet has mentioned authoring movies.  Maybe the
>>> software to do this isn't available for Linux???
>> I use Openshot Video Editor on a weekly basis to cut and edit my
>> m/c-instructoring clips and then post to Youtube. ;-)
>> I've more or less abandoned Pinnacle since I discovered Openshot. The
>> encoding
>> stuff is so much faster on CentOS than Windows...
>> --
>> //Sorin
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