[CentOS] please block user

Thu Aug 27 05:12:41 UTC 2015
Fabian Arrotin <arrfab at centos.org>

Hash: SHA1

On 27/08/15 02:54, Valeri Galtsev wrote:
> On Wed, August 26, 2015 7:40 pm, zep wrote:
>> On 08/26/2015 08:22 PM, John R Pierce wrote:
>>> On 8/26/2015 5:09 PM, Always Learning wrote:
>>>> Whoops. Lovehearts just arrived. They don't look like
>>>> 'hearts' to me.
>>>> Have complained to lovehearts.com owner = Swizzels Matlow
>>>> Ltd, an English company.
>>> its loverhearts.com, and they are also using heartslover.com
>>> for web links.   the first domain is registered to someone
>>> claiming to be in Miami Florida, while the 2nd is registered to
>>> some organization in Bangladesh.  yeah, right.  Both domains
>>> were initially registered about a month ago
>> digital ocean finally replied (at least to me):
>> Hi there,
>> I'm sorry about this.  We gave our customer time to resolve the
>> issue, and he hasn't done so, so we've blocked his ability to
>> send email, pending further action if necessary to ensure this
>> never occurs again.
>> If you get or hear about ANY further spam like this, please let
>> me know immediately so we can take further action on it.
>> Regards, Cash, Trust & Safety Specialist Digital Ocean Support
>> Perhaps it's fixed if only for a little while.
> Good to hear that. At least they are not as arrogant as big guys
> often are. Happily unblocked their blocks of IP addresses (as they
> do not need this sort of pressure to hear out about the trouble
> with their customer). This message will inadvertedly serve as a
> test if what is said is done ;-)
> Valeri

I wanted to confirm the previous mail that we've received from
DigitalOcean too, and the fact that they blocked outgoing mails from
the originating IPs.
Let me thank you their support for having reacted on our abuse complaint.

Now let's close that thread and have focus back on CentOS (and related
tech) instead :-)

Have a nice day !

- -- 
Fabian Arrotin
The CentOS Project | http://www.centos.org
gpg key: 56BEC54E | twitter: @arrfab
Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux)
